


Self-built forward proxy server

Using Cloudflare as a Proxy (Vless - EdgeTunnel)#

The following content is referenced from: CF VLESS From Beginner to Pro cmliu/edgetunnel Must-Read Content Free Nodes Preferred Subscription Workers & Pages CM Feeding Full of Dry Goods 24 | CMLiussss Blog Please support the original author!

  1. Upload https://github.com/cmliu/edgetunnel/archive/refs/heads/main.zip to your Cloudflare Pages project (Don't have a Cloudflare account? Search online for tutorials to register one! If you encounter slow speeds, you might try using a VPN)
  2. Go to https://it-tools.tech/uuid-generator to randomly obtain a uuid
  3. Add a variable binding named UUID, with the value obtained in step two (Please do not disclose it to others!)
  4. Re-upload the main.zip from step one. Let Cloudflare redeploy the page to accommodate the new variable
  5. Go to Pages project -> Custom Domain: Bind a custom domain name. (Don't have a domain? Recommended: https://nic.us.kg https://www.cloudns.net. You can search online for tutorials; I won't elaborate here. You can also choose not to bind and use the pages.dev domain assigned by cf directly. However, in some regions, pages.dev may be inaccessible or prone to censorship)
  6. View the dashboard via https://your-custom-domain/uuid
  7. Copy the link as shown, open V2Ray, and import it. The download link for the V2Ray client is at the end of the article


  1. The speed test for 500Mbps mobile broadband through edgetunnel is as follows. Speed test website: https://fast.com


  1. If you want the lowest latency, you can use cfnat. Here’s a link for Windows; you can find others on CM's YouTube:

Note! Recently, edgetunnel may report error 1101 on new Cloudflare accounts, which may not be a configuration issue but rather a restriction by cf. The solution is to delete the original project and redeploy it, but do not use the same project name! You can also create several other normal pages or workers projects for camouflage! The author has been ganked 3 times using a new account (each time changing the name, deleting pages, and then redeploying), and has remained stable since then.
I have tested that I have used most of the quota while using edgetunnel throughout the day, so please do not share your project with others or sell it! Registering your own is simple!
As shown, this is the author's usage for half a day: I only accessed Telegram~


Using Your Own Foreign VPS as a Proxy#

Using New Protocol: Hysteria2#

You can go to these two repositories for one-click installation~

General installation process: self-signed, not using acme, not using port jumping

Client (Hiddify):

Other clients can be obtained from the second GitHub Repo

Using Old Protocol: V2Ray#

VPS installation script: bash <(curl -s -L https://git.io/v2ray.sh)

Detailed installation: After the script execution is complete, enter v2ray to change the configuration to Shadowsocks

Windows client: Releases · 2dust/v2rayN · GitHub

Android client: Releases · 2dust/v2rayNG · GitHub

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