


Using Cloudflare Tunnel to penetrate the Nezha panel, Zerotier is responsible for data reporting, and the entire link does not require a public network.

Configure Zerotier#

Add your panel (Dashboard) server and backend (Agent) server to the same Zerotier network group, and ensure they can communicate with each other properly.

Install Nezha Panel (Dashboard)#

Go to the Release page to download the executable file for your operating system: https://github.com/nezhahq/nezha/releases/latest

Start it and access the WebUI: http://localhost:8008

Select login in the upper right corner, with the default username and password as admin.

Click on the avatar in the upper right corner -> System Settings -> Users -> +
Create a new user, then log in with the new user, and finally delete the default admin user.

Go back to System Settings and change the Agent reporting address to your Dashboard's Zerotier IP:8008 (e.g., Do not enable TLS.

Return to the management backend homepage, select Server -> Install Command. Then execute the commands on the Agent one by one. If everything is normal, you will see the new server online in the backend shortly.

Configure Cloudflare Tunnel#

Install Cloudflared on the Dashboard server, create a new Tunnel pointing to localhost:8008, and bind it to the domain name you host on Cloudflare.

Finished Product Display#



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